Break the Cycle of Children's Mental Illnesses

Sign Up to Ride

Andrés Martin, MD, MPH, a child and adolescent psychiatrist and prominent member of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP), is leading Break the Cycle, an effort to help raise awareness and support for children's mental health, by riding from Washington state to Washington, DC, starting in the summer of 2017.

Dr. Martin understands the challenges faced by children and adolescents living with mental illnesses. There are over 15 million children in need of the expertise of a child and adolescent psychiatrist. Sadly, there exists an extreme shortage of trained child psychiatrists to treat this vulnerable population. This needs to change!

Join Dr. Martin in riding to raise awareness and support to not only help ensure that children suffering in silence get the treatment they deserve, but also remove the stigma associated with children's mental illnesses. He invites riders to accompany him in Omaha, NE on July 29 and 30 before the official ride begins, from Seattle to Portland (days 1-3), and along the Eastern Seaboard (days 51-60).